Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dragon Skull Found On Westeros Beach

A dragon skull has washed up along the coast of the Stormlands and right now, is likely to be the most terrifying thing in all of Westeros. It is believed that a great storm on the Narrow Sea managed to bring it ashore from the depths.
Game of Thrones dragon skull on beach
It’s currently impossible to tell exactly how old the skull is, but judging by its relatively pristine condition, it could be mere decades old. This is terrifying indeed since dragons were believed to be extinct for well over a hundred years.
Dragon skull on beach
This could indeed pose a credible threat to the Iron Throne and there are already whispers of a possible invasion of Westeros by an ancient force. The game of thrones continues.
Henry Lannister, the spokesman for the government, was unavailable for comment.
(Note: in case you start to panic, this is just a publicity stunt for the HBO series, Game of Thrones, so relax and enjoy your sunbathing)

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